Kokuun 207
Kokuun, is a new brand for shoes. What is unique about this new brand? Well it will be all about COMFORT and SAFETY.

Kokuun207 will design shoes that will be very practical for the kids (aged 2 to 7) and their parents. Easy to put on and off, resistant, easy to clean, very comfortable, waterproof and with safety features to protect the kid's feet.

To engage its target audience, I have designed a logo that relates to the business activities and expresses the concepts of safety and comfort to the parents of the kids.

In essence, it's conveys memorableness, distinctiveness, simpleness but is still a bit childish.
Visual Concept



深圳市顶点企业形象策划有限公司 是一家企业VI设计形象策划的综合服务提供商,我们坚持以创新的思路做品牌,做最有力的“创新型设计”!

点击:3384 添加时间: 2018-08-06